Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services Minister Monica Mutsvangwa says government has offered a 40 percent cost-of-living salary adjustment which will be paid into the bank accounts of civil servants starting today, while negotiations continue with unions representing civil servants over a final agreement on wages and other employment terms.
Minister Mutsvangwa yesterday said this move together with the Covid-19 allowances are meant support workers in the mean time while negotiations are in process.
“The adjustment, and the continuation of the US$75 a month Covid-19 allowance, are interim steps taken by the Government to help cushion its employees while the negotiations are in progress. The Government would continue negotiating an agreement in good faith.
“Normally, Government does not effect salary adjustments without a signed agreement, but we have had to go out of our way to cushion our dedicated workers. Negotiations at the National Joint Negotiating Council will continue and any agreement arrived at will be honoured in the spirit of collective bargaining.” She said.