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Government Advised To Reform For Sanctions To Be Lifted

United States Of America Ambassador to Zimbabwe, Brian Nichols says that the Zimbabwean government should implement important reforms in order for America to lift sanctions imposed on the country.

“Its not sanctions, its corruption that drives away investors and leaves teachers , doctors , nurses and services struggling, Zimbabweans must be free to expose corruption, rights abuses and perpetrators must face justice” Brian Nichols said.

The United States (US) and European Union (EU) embassies insisted that it was not the sanctions to blame but the administration that was using anti-sanctions methods to distract masses from genuine predicaments facing Zimbabweans.

Brian Nichols said the government was using a lot of power to rally SADC countries to remove sanctions instead of directing the robustness to implement reforms.

“I think if the government of Zimbabwe put the energy that they put into organising these types of events and generating statements from other SADC members into pursuing the reform agenda the better,”. He said.

Zimbabwe has been struggling with sanctions for over two decades as other countries were banned to do businesses with Zimbabwe and it has been very hard for the common man as the economic sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe have hindered the economic progress and people are hungry because of sanctions.

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