Heavy Rains A Cause For Concern

The country has been blessed with heavy rains since the beginning of the rainy season however most farmers are complaining that the rains are destroying their crops.

A farmer in Macheke said there have been heavy rains in the region that the crops were washed away.

”Chibange chakakukutrwa chese, mvura yakanaya nemhepo yaityisa.” She said.

The government is also concerned by the heavy rains, the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry Of Information, Mr Nick Mangwana posted on his twitter handle that, the rains that came as a blessing to most farmers have have left a trial of destruction.

”The rains which came as a blessing to most farmers have also left a trial of destruction at Chingwere Shopping Area in Chingwere Village, Mhondoro-Mubaira during the weekend. Roofs were blown away and past of buildings razed to the ground.” He said.

The Meteorological Services Department has already predicted heavier rains this year that there are possibilities of flooding and water related accidents this year.

Zimbabwe experienced its worst floods in 2000 when it was hit by Cyclone Eline resulting in 136 deaths.

In 2003, Cyclone Japhet killed seven people sweeping away bridges and other infrastructure.




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