2021 School Calendar Out

This year’s schools calendar has now been set with the first term opening on Monday, March 15 for the three examination classes (Form Six, Form Four and Grade Seven) and the rest of the classes a week later on Monday, March 22.

Term one will end on Friday, June 4,  second term begins on Monday June 28, ending Friday, September 10.

The third term will start on Monday October 4, ending on Friday December 17 with the first term of 2022 starting on January 10 next year. All holiday breaks this year will have 23 days, far shorter than normal so that pupils can catch up on the work that has been missed through the long furloughs required last year and this year to beat back Covid-19.

The academic calendar has 56 learning days for the first term, 53 for the second term and 55 in the third term, with public holidays being observed and no learning taking place on these days.



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