ED Gets His Second Jab

President Emmerson Mnangagwa has received his second jab of the Sinophram vaccine dosage today at Kwekwe General Hospital, leading the whole nation by example.

The President’s second jab follows the initial inoculation he received last month in Victoria Falls.

Mnangagwa posted on his twitter handle that he had just received his second Covid-19 vaccine dose and he is now fully vaccinated.

The President urged all Zimbabweans to get vaccinated.

”I urge all Zimbabweans to get the vaccine when called upon. It is safe, painless and effective in the fight against coronavirus.” The post reads.

President Mnangagwa warned the country against complacency and disregarding current health guidelines protocols.

The vaccination programme is part of government’s efforts to reduce the spread of the Covid-19. Zimbabwe is targeting to inoculate 60 percent of the population in order to achieve herd immunity.

The permanent Secretary in The Ministry of Information, Mr Nick Mangwana posted on twitter that, “His Execellency has completed his #Zim Vaccination Programme by taking his second Dose of Sinovac at Kwekwe General Hospital.”

Meanwhile, Foreign Affairs and International Trade Minister Fredrick Shava was also vaccinated.


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