Local Infrastructures For Peace Becoming More Visible

Provincial Peace Committee Meetings Chairperson, Lilian Chigwedere says the commission should heed the calls from all corners of the country for Zimbabweans to unite, reduce polarization and minimize hate speech even on social media.

Speaking during Harare Metropolitan Provincial Peace Committees Meeting which was held in Harare today, Chigwedere said the committee is doing a great job by continuing to work tirelessly in organizing and facilitating the smooth flow of peace operations since 2019.

“Two years down the line, these local infrastructures for peace in every province around the country are becoming more solid, proactive and visible.

“The National Peace and Reconciliation Commission was established to precisely facilitate that dialogue in resolving past conflicts and guarantee a future of non-recurrence,” said Chigwedere.

Furthermore, Chigwedere said the introduction of new commissioner into the office means a positive a change to our country.

“You have already been introduced to the new Commissioners who were sworn into office by his excellency the President Emmerson Mnangagwa in May 2021, this meeting therefore serves as a platform to meet and engage them freely.

“As a commission let us heed the calls from all corners of the country for Zimbabweans to unite, reduce polarization, minimize hate speech even on social media, as members of the commission we should be the first to counter such speech and promote love,” added Chigwedere.

The National Peace and Reconciliation Commission (NPRC) was constituted in accordance to the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.20) Act 2013 and the National Peace and Reconciliation Act Chapter 10:32 of 2018. The establishment of the NPRC is the realization of the social and political will and aspiration of Zimbabweans to transition from a conflictual past to a harmonious future.

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