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DJ Fantan Detained For Domestic Violence

Zimdancehall music producer DJ Fantan, real name Arnold Kamudyariwa is currently detained at Waterfalls Police Station on allegations of domestic violence.

Fantan was arrested yesterday after his wife, Gamuchirai Nemukunyu, reported him to the police.

Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) national spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi confirmed the arrest.

“Yes, DJ Fantan has been arrested over domestic violence and is in police custody,” he said.

In an interview with a local publication, DJ Fantan’s wife, Nemukunyu said Fantan emotionally and economically abused her all the time.

“He doesn’t want me to do my own things, arguing that I should be the housewife only responsible for household chores.

“This is despite the fact that he doesn’t give me money. I have suffered emotional and economic abuse.

“So, when I challenge all this, he becomes violent, abusing me and destroying property,” she said.

However, reports say DJ Fantan is always involved in anti-domestic violence campaigns in Mbare.

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