“Army Will Dump ED If He Loses Power In 2023”

Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) leader Nelson Chamisa says the army will abandon President Emmerson Mnangagwa if CCC wins in the upcoming 2023 general elections.

He claimed his party has the support of all government institutions, including the army in the upcoming general elections.

Chamisa made the remarks while addressing CCC supporters during a thank you rally for CCC Kwekwe MP, Judith Tobaiwa, on Sunday.

“What I want to tell you today is that Mnangagwa is gone. Come 2023, we will be the ruling party while ZANU PF will be the opposition.

“Everywhere we are going in the country, people are speaking about change.

“Change is on the horizon and the country is ready for change.

“Civil servants are saying I must take the reigns of power. The students, ordinary citizens, and the army are saying the same.

“The army is prepared to ditch Mnangagwa in the coming elections.

“If we are to have an election today, I will have more support from the army than Mnangagwa.

“We are preparing for the next government,” he said.

In November 2017, the army seized power through a military coup from the then President of Zimbabwe, the late Robert Mugabe and passed it over to Mnangagwa.

Up to now, the 2017 November power transfers have created a strong bond between Mnangagwa and the army.

