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Zim Actress Fears For Her Life After Falling Pregnant To A Married Younger Man

A local actress, Talent Mazenge is living in fear as she claims her erstwhile “boyfriend”, who is a married man, has threatened “to hire hitmen to kill her.”

The 38yr old Talent is a TV actress and has featured in several local soaps, most notably as Tete Constance in the hit series Estate Blues. She is also a dancer and has featured in some of Baba Harare’s hit songs, where she can be seen “shaking what her mama gave her”.


However, Talent, who is 3 months’ pregnant, is living in fear after a man she has been dating demanded that she abort when she told him that she was pregnant. She’s been dating the a 32yr old businessman Abel Mashayambombe for 6 months.

Abel Mashayamombe


She claims that Mashayamombe ordered her to abort but she declined. It’s from this that her troubles began as she says Mashayamombe allegedly threatened to hire hitman from Mbare to “deal with her” if she didn’t abort, as he didn’t want the pregnancy to affect his family life.

The youthful businessman is married and has 2 children. He runs an advertising firm named Pricmad Advertising.

The star actress claims that she took Mashayamombe’s Mbare hitmen threat seriously because it allegedly wasn’t the first time that Mr Mashayamombe had talked about it. She alleges that he once resorted to his “Mbare hit squad’ for protection after he was threatened by the husband of a Warren Park woman who he was allegedly also dating.

Pricmad, Abel Mashayamombe’s company

When the husband of the woman confronted him, he called in his “goons from Mbare”, according to Talent.

Mbare’s underworld is reportedly infamous for producing hit squads that Zimbabwe’s business and political classes hire to “deal with or intimidate competitors and enemies”. The hit squads are allegedly behind some of the unsolved violent attacks and even murders.

Talent also says Mashayamombe arrived at her place of residency in Kambuzuma high density suburb, at around 12:15AM recently and banged doors and windows demanding that she opens the door so he could deal with her for allegedly wanting to destroy his marriage.

She alleges that he eventually left after no one open the door but once more threatened to send his hit squad after her. She also says she went and reported the matter at Marimba Police station and Mashayamombe was summoned to come, to which he obliged. She alleges that the police however refused to open a docket, claiming that the case was under the jurisdiction of Warren Park Police station.

She then went to Warren Park police station where she opened the case under docket number RRB 5117469.

The actress and dancer however claims that nothing has moved ever since she reported the matter several weeks back. She is sold to the assumption that Mashayamombe, as someone of considerable means according to her, could have bribed law enforcement officials to sit on the case.

Talent met Mashayamombe in 2021 when he gave her a lift while on her way to hospital. She states that he then requested her number before dropping her off at hospital. They then started communicating frequently before eventually falling in love. She says they would meet and spend time in his office and sometimes his house whenever his wife wasn’t around.

During the goods times she claims that he would occasionally send her money for her upkeep. She claims that whenever they slept together they would use protection in the early days but eventually resorted to unprotected sex.

Contacted for comment Mashayamombe could only offer a brief response saying, “vasikana vemanheru vanonetsa, siyana nazvo izvi wangu unotambisirwa nguva” (ladies of the night are a problem, leave the issue alone she’ll waste your time).

We also tried unsucceffully to make contact with the investigating officer for the case at Warren Park police station. The phone repeatedly went unanswered.

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