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Woman Survives Elephant Attack In Kariba

A Kariba woman escaped an elephant attack by a whisker this morning when she was fetching water from an outside tap.

Miss Angela Kamberembere was filling up containers with water at Number 1158, Nyamhunga 2 Township, near Nyanhewe Primary School, when she suddenly saw the elephant, The Herald reported.

The elephant attempted to grab her with the trunk, and she fell to the ground.

Miss Kamberembere narrated, “The moment the elephant charged to attack me further, its right leg got stuck in a dish.

“This must have distracted it, allowing me to recover before I started crawling away after gaining composure.”

Some residents who spoke to The Herald blamed perennial water for exposing them to danger, as they are forced to fetch water from tapes between midnight and 0400 hours.

Mrs. Albertina Botai said, “Kariba Municipality is letting residents down.

“Instead of sleeping, we are busy filling up containers with water, exposing us to dangers with wild animals.

“We heard Angela screaming, and we rushed to make noise, which must have distracted the elephant. She is lucky to be alive.”

Mrs. Svinurai Vhareni said the elephant now frequents the area where it drinks water stored in dishes and other containers.

The residents said water problems started in 2018 when Kariba Municipality connected additional institutional water users.

Human-Wildlife Conflict is a serious issue in Zimbabwe.

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