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CCC’s Nyatsime 14 Set Free, Leave Sikhala Behind Bars.

High Court Judge, Justice Munamato Mutevedzi has granted ZW$50 000 bail to each of the 14 Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) Nyatsime activists, who were arrested for public violence together with legislators Job Sikhala and Godfrey Sithole in June this year.

They were represented by Thabani Mpofu, duly instructed by Noble Chinhanu of the Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum.

The 14 are Chauya Shopa (41), Clever Sibanda (37), Ephrage Gwavava (35) Robert Madzokere (30), Emmanuel Muradzikwa (38), Zecks Makoni (54), Enock Tsoka (39), Shepherd Bulakasi (40) and Tatenda Pindahama (43), Zephania Chinembiri (45), Roan Tsoka (39), Misheck Guzha (62), Precious Jeche (41) and Odious Makoma (42).

The 14 CCC activists were in pre trial detention with the Zengeza West MP Job Sikhala at Chikurubi Maximum Prison.

Sikhala faces charges of obstruction of justice and inciting violence.

He has been in detention since 14 June 2022, when he was arrested for allegedly inciting violence.

Sikhala was arrested after he convened a prayer meeting for his deceased client and opposition party member, Moreblessing Ali, who was killed by Pius Mukandi, a man  suspectedly linked to ZANU PF.

He has applied for bail eight times at both the High and the magistrates’ courts but has been denied this constitutional right.

Meanwhile, Ali is yet to be buried after her family declared that she will only be laid to rest after Sikhala has been released.





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