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Mwonzora Is Destroying MDC-Mudzuri

Zimbabwean News You Can Trust.

Former MDC-T vice president Elias Mudzuri has said the party president Douglas Mwonzora was destroying the party by firing members over petty issues.

His response comes after MDC-T National Council recently suspended Mudzuri and six senior party leaders for “indiscipline”.

The other officials who were suspended are provincial chairpersons Gift Konjana (Mashonaland West), John Nyika (Masvingo) Den Moyo (USA Province) Edwin Dzambara (Secretary for Education), and Edwin Kakora (national executive member).

In an interview with TellZim News disgruntled, Mudzuri said he was yet to receive communication on his suspension.

He said he only heard about the suspension from other members of the party who were in the meeting that resolved to suspend him.

“Mwonzora is destroying the party with his actions. The party needs people for the 2023 elections but he is busy suspending; how is it going to stand a chance against ZANU PF? he said.

Mudzuri, on his official Twitter account, claimed that the party had resolved to fire him for telling leaders that leadership should be chosen from grassroots structures.

He wrote, “I am reliably informed that today (January 21, 2023) the illegitimate MDC National Council will expel me from the party.

“How can a founder member be expelled for insisting that leaders must always be chosen by the base structures & not the elite & for merely chatting with customers at Duriro Bar?

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