Bona Mugabe’s 9 Year Marriage Collapses

Zimbabwean News You Can Trust.

Late former President Robert Mugabe’s daughter Bona has divorced her husband Simbarashe Mutsahuni Chikore.

A source told New Zimbabwe that divorce summons were filed Tuesday morning at the Harare High Court.

“Her lawyers indeed filed the summons today (Tuesday) at the High Court,” said the source.

Bona filed for divorce on grounds that her marriage had irretrievably broken down.

The couple has three children.

The two tied the knot in 2014 at a posh wedding ceremony attended by over 4 000 guests, among them three heads of state and dignitaries from all over Southern Africa.

The wedding which was broadcast on ZBC reportedly cost US$4 million.

In 2015, there were reports that Bona’s marriage was on the rocks and former president Mugabe had intervened cautioning his son in law who was accused of adultery.

Source New Zimbabwe
