Woman Rapped And Robbed

A Harare man allegedly raped and robbed a 23 year old woman from Ashdown Park.

According to a report made to the police, Patience Mukondo was in the company of her sister Tanyaradzwa Chiwanza while walking home from the shops. Patience reportedly received a message from her brother that he had locked the doors into the house and so she had to rush before he went to bed in order to gain access inot the house.

Upon receiving the message, Tanyaradzwa Chiwanza is reported to have requested Patience to rush home and get the doors unlocked. On her way, Patience Mukondo was allegedly grabbed by an unknown man who “slapped her and ordered her to proceed to a bushy area where he raped her three times and get away with an Itel smart phone, USD200, trousers and a pair of socks.”

Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) Harare provincial spokesperson, Luckmore Chakanza confirmed the incident.

“The complainant was with her sister, Tanyaradzwa Chiwanza walking home from the shops Bloomingdale Ashdown Park when their brother called informing her that he was at home and the doors were locked. Complainant’s sister suggested that complainant should run there and she would follow since she was carrying a baby on her back. Complainant took the keys and went home.

“Whilst running between the maize fields complainant was grabbed from the back by an unknown accused person, she tried to look back but the accused person slapped her once on the right cheek and ordered her to look forward. Accused person instructed complainant to switch off the light of her Itel smart phone and she handed it over to him.

“The accused person told complainant to proceed to a bushy area but complainant screamed for help and the accused threatened her with a knife and he cut her once on the left forefinger and she sustained a small cut. Accused person ordered complainant to sleep facing down wards and went to remove her bottom trousers completely and her skin tight and pants at knee level. Accused mounted on complainant’s back and forcibly had sexual intercourse with her once.

“After a while the accused person repeated the sexual act twice thereby raping the complainant three times. Accused person stole complainant’s property which includes Itel smart phone, US$200-00 which was at the back cover of the phone, trousers and a pair of socks all valued at US$325-00 and nothing had been recovered.

“After the act accused person went away. Complainant went home and narrated the case to her sister Tanyaradzwa Chiwanza. The complainant made a report at ZRP Dzivaresekwa. Complainant was referred to Parirenyatwa Hospital for medical examination,” reads the statement.



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