Harare Man Rapes A 17 Year Old Maid

Zimbabwean News You Can Trust

A Harare man from Waterfalls suburb reportedly raped a 17 year old maid.

According to a report made to the police, the accused Alvin Mafuka employed the complainant Anastacia Mutiro (17) as his house maid. On the 15th of July 2013, Alvin Makufa’s wife left home, going to Chegutu, and at around 10:00pm the accused allegedly had unprotected sexual intercourse with the minor.

Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) for Harare province, Luckmore Chakanza confirmed about the incident.

“Complainant was employed as a house maid by the accused. On the 15 July 2023, around 0900 hours, the accused person’s wife left home going to Chegutu. At around 1000 hours, the accused returned home from escorting his wife and found the complainant sitting alone in the lounge. Accused overpowered the complainant and lifted her to his bedroom whilst she was shouting for help and no one came to her rescue.

“Accused removed her clothes and her pant. He then pressed her down and raped her once without wearing protection. The complainant later reported the case phoning her mother, Vimbai Murambiwa. Her mother came and took the complainant and reported the matter to ZRP Waterfalls on 18 July 2023 around 1001 hours under RRB number 5618217 refers. Complainant was referred to MSF for examination and treatment. Accused was not located when Police attended the scene and you will be advised of further developments.”

A Journalist, writer and photographer

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