More Mnangagwas In Government As ED Appoints Son, Nephew To Ministries

President Emmerson Mnangagwa, who was recently sworn into office for a second term after a disputed electoral victory has today appointed his new cabinet.

Mnangagwa’s cabinet has retained most of the Ministers from the previous government, whilst a few new faces have been added, including close family members of the President.

Among the new faces in government are Kuda David Mnangagwa, who has been appointed Deputy Minister Of Finance And Investment Promotion as well as Tongai Mafidhi Mnangagwa, who becomes Deputy Minister for Tourism & Hospitality.

Kuda Mnangagwa is alleged to be the President’s son while Tongai is his nephew.

The Full list of Cabinet Ministers and their deputies is as follows:

Finance and Investment Promotion
Prof  Mthuli Ncube
Dep – David Kuda Mnangagwa
War Veterans’ Affairs
Christopher Mutsvangwa
Deputy – Monica Mavhunga
Youth Empowerment and VTC
Tino Machakaire
Deputy – Mpamhanga Junior
Sports, Recreation, Arts and Culture
Kirsty Coventry
Deputy – Emily Jesaya
Environment  Climate and Wildlife
Nqobizitha M Ndlovu
Deputy – John Paradza
Tourism And Hospitality
Barbra Rwodzi
Deputy – Tongai Mnangagwa
Defence And War Veterans’ Affairs
OCZ Muchinguri
Deputy – Levy Mayihlome
Womens Affairs, Community and SMEs
Monica Mutsvangwa
Deputy – Jeniffer Mhlanga
Local Gvt and Public Works
Winston Chitando
Deputy – Not yet announced
Foreign Affairs
Dr Fedrick Shava –
No Deputy yet
Home Affairs
Kazembe Kazembe
No Deputy yet
Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs
Ziyambi Ziyambi
Deputy – Obert Mazungunye
Jenfan Muswere
ICT, Postal & Courier Services
Tatenda Mavetera
Deputy – D. Phuthi
Mines and Mining Development
Soda Zhemu
Deputy not yet announced
Higher and Tertiary Education
Prof Amon Murwira
Deputy – Simelizezwe Sibanda
Primary and Secondary Education
T. Moyo
Deputy – Angeline Gata
Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare
July Moyo
Mrs Dinha
Industry and Commerce
Sithembiso Nyoni
No Deputy yet
Transport and Infrastructure Development
Felix Mhona
Energy and Power Development
Edgar Moyo
National Housing
Daniel Garwe
Deputy – Yeukai Simbanegavi
Land Agriculture
Dr Masuka
Deputy – Vangelis Haritatoos
Deputy – Davis Marapira
Dr Mombeshora
Provincial Affairs in the OPC
L Matuke.
Skills Audit and Development
Prof P. Mavhima.
Several social media users and opposition activists have castigated the newly appointed cabinet, accusing Mnangagwa of nepotism.

The Citizens Coalition for Change Member of Parliament for Hatcliff Constituency Agency Gumbo accused the ZANU  PF leadership of promoting political dynasty in government.

He said the appointment of Mnangagwa’s close relatives in the cabinet portrays a “jittery and unstable government” which does not respect public opinion.

Gumbo said the legislature has a task of scrutinizing President Mnangagwa’s actions.

“The legislature should raise its voice against the said appointments,” he said.

Nepotism allegations in ZANU PF are not a new phenomenon as former first lady Grace Mugabe was once appointed as the Secretary of the Women’s League in the ruling Party whilst her husband, the late Robert Mugabe was president.



