ZCC Calls For Peace As Zimbabwe Heads For By-Elections

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The Zimbabwe Council of Churches (ZCC) has implored political parties to shun acts of political violence, hate speech, “abductions and torture” as they prepare for December 9 by-elections.

Last week, Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) party activist, Tapfumanei Masaya, was reportedly abducted and “murdered” by suspected state security agents after doing a door to door campaign for the main opposition candidate Munyaradzi Kufahakutizwi, who is locking horns with Pedzisai “Scott” Sakupwanya in Mabvuku for the second time following self-imposed CCC, Secretary General Sengezo Tshabangu recalls.

Speaking at a church workshop held in Harare last week, which focused on fostering a conducive environment in all sectors across the country, ZCC 31 member delegates from Harare encouraged victims of political violence to engage peace councils whenever conflicts arise in their communities.

Reverent Laurence Gandiya, who is a member of ZCC under the Anglican church, also took time to narrate key issues that church members had learned from the three-day post election peace building program.

He said “Some of the issues we discussed during the workshop are bread and butter, because they affect the nation and community. For example, the issue of health, education and service delivery. You can see that there is a need for a practical approach, especially during these difficult times where we have cholera outbreaks.”

Over the years, ZCC has made key developmental and peace building discourses that have contributed immensely to social and nation building programs.

The church has also played a pivotal role by instilling the moral compass for the nation, while shaping societal norms by providing values such as honesty, integrity and compassion through theological teachings and social teachings.

The recent ZCC post reflection workshop will also spread to cover the remaining nine provinces, entrenching a sense of identity and ownership of national programs.

A Journalist, writer and photographer

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