Judgement Day For Job Sikhala

Today, the Magistrates Court will rule on the case of former opposition legislator Job Sikhala, who is accused of inciting public violence. The ruling will determine Sikhala’s future. Since his arrest in June 2022, Sikhala has been detained on suspicion of inciting opposition supporters to riot and exact revenge for the murder of Moreblessing Ali, an activist for the Citizens Coalition for Change.

The courts have repeatedly denied the former lawmaker’s requests to be released on bail, characterizing him as an unrepentant repeat offender who is capable of committing more crimes.

The Job Sikhala Solidarity Movement (JSSM) organized the general public in Zimbabwe and other interested parties to occupy the Harare Magistrates Court during the judge’s bail decision yesterday. Darlington Chigweda, the president of JSSM, suggested that Zimbabweans present at the court hearing wear black in protest of his ongoing detention.

“January 24 is a day of freedom, not just for Job Sikhala but for all Zimbabweans who are bearing the brunt of cruel oppression,” Chigweda declared.”On this momentous day, we urge all Zimbabweans to wear black in observance of the demise of democracy. We also stress that despite injustice and severe provocation from the Harare regime, citizens should uphold peace and unity. We still believe that Job Sikhala should be freed because he is innocent.

Ali’s killer, Pius Mukandi, alias Jamba, was sentenced to 30 years in jail in December last year.In court, Jamba said he was framed and tortured to confess to killing Ali.

Ali’s body was cut into pieces and the remains were found in a disused well. She is yet to be buried. Chigweda said Ali’s death was politically motivated. “The late Moreblessing was murdered in cold blood by an alleged member of the ruling Zanu Pf party. She was killed for her political beliefs,” Chigweda said, adding that Sikhala was being subjected to political prosecution and persecution.

“Sikhala boldly demanded justice for Ali. For that, he has spent one year seven months and eight days in pre-trial detention. This is a clear case of persecution through prosecution,” he said.

“Sikhala has, however, remained unshaken by the shameless persecution. He has demonstrated unmatched resolve and an undying passion to fight for a better Zimbabwe.“Sikhala has inspired millions of Zimbabweans through regular epistles shrewdly penned from the dungeons of Chikurubi Maximum Security Prison.”

