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ZIPRA Hails Mutsvangwa’s Sacking

Zimbabwean News You Can Trust

The Zimbabwe People’s Revolutionary Army (Zipra)  war veterans association has said the sacking of War veterans minister Christopher Mutsvangwa is good riddance after he snubbed their efforts to discuss issues concerning fellow comrades who were killed during the Gukurahundi period.

It is reported that several Zipra members were abducted at the barracks and made to disappear or killed after their integration into Zimbabwe National Army.

Zipra Veterans Association secretary-general Petros Sibanda said they expected the ex-minister to take the initiative to address the issue of their comrades killed during the Gukurahundi era and provide the nation with clarity on how to move forward.

“We expected him to come out and tell the nation what is going to happen to the comrades, who fell during the Gukurahundi era. You remember most of the Zipra comrades…some dismissed from the army are yet to receive their pensions,” Sibanda said.

“Others have already died. We thought Mutsvangwa was going to do something about that. Maybe he was too busy. He still remains our comrade, who slept on duty.”

Sibanda said following the ousting of the late President Robert Mugabe, the ex-combatants had high hopes that Mutsvangwa would use his position to fight in their corner and address the injustices of the past.

“We are not celebrating as such, and we don’t want to be involved in the wars of his political party. But what I can say is since 2017, when he [Mutsvangwa] went near the corridors of power, we celebrated as veterans of the liberation struggle, anticipating that he would fight for our rights,” added Sibanda.

Zipra was the military wing of the Zimbabwe African People’s Union political party.

“We also thought he would make a follow-up on the vetted comrades who are yet to get compensation. We hoped he was going to interfere as one of our comrades on the issue of the property rights, convincing His Excellency (President Emmerson Mnangagwa), that the caveat should be removed and return these properties,” he said.

War veterans groups have described Mutsvangwa as a non-performer with his sacking triggering celebrations from the freedom fighters.

Source Newsday

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