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Palestinian Death Toll Reaches 35 000

Zimbabwean News You Can Trust

Palestinian Ambassador to Zimbabwe, Dr. Tamer Almassri, has said the Palestinian death toll is now 35 000 since Israel started its military action in Gaza.

Almassri said over 8 000 Palestinians are trapped under the rubble and 76 000 are injured. He urged Israel to stop what he termed an aggression against the Palestinian people in the besieged Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including Jerusalem.

In a statement, Almassri also castigated what he said is “Israeli organized settler terrorism against Palestinian civilians in more than 10 villages in the West Bank”, stressing that the international community should intervene and stop Israeli actions.

He said, “The international community should urgently intervene to force the Israeli government to stop all its settlement activities, dismantle armed colonialist militias, remove their weapons, stop their financing and punish those who support them”. The attacks are an extension of Israel’s open aggression against the Palestinian people in a flagrant violation of international humanitarian law.”

Dr. Almassri said the Israeli army’s military action continues because they get weapons from the government, thereby compromising the fight for Palestine to be an independent state.

“Israeli militias obtain encouragement and political support in the practice of their terrorism acts through the supply of various weapons, protection and immunity provided by the extremist Israeli government to execute a premeditated plan of gradual annexation of the West Bank, thereby undermining the opportunity to realize the Palestinian statehood,” he explained.

According to Dr. Tammer Almassri, Israeli military action in Gaza has claimed the lives of women, children, and destroyed key infrastructure like hospitals, roads, universities and schools.


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