
ZHOCD Engages Parliament On The Disability Bill

The Zimbabwe Heads of Christian Denomination (ZHOCD) has promised to engage lawmakers so that the Disability Bill fully capacitates the needs of persons living with disabilities, when passed into law.

Access to information, full representation of persons with disabilities in all government sectors, inclusion in political participation, and decentralization of the health sector when dealing with disabled persons were part of the recommendations raised when ZHOCD held a validation workshop in Harare on Tuesday.

Various organizations representing persons with disabilities and other key stakeholders were part of the event.

Speaking on the sidelines of the workshop, father Johannes Maseko of the Zimbabwe Catholic Bishop Conference (ZCBC) said, “the plight of people with disabilities is not theirs alone, but ours as a nation.”

He added that “the church plans to engage with lawmakers so that they have an understanding of people with disabilities, giving their testimonies and inputs.”

Meanwhile, Zimbabwe National League of the Blind (ZNLB) Mberengwa district co-ordinator Mr. Paul Gumbo applauded the church for coming up with recommendations on the Disability Bill.


He added that persons with disabilities face challenges in life, but the church had shown its importance on nation building.

“We applaud what ZHOCD and the Zimbabwe Council of Churches (ZCC) have done for us. They have worked with us for a long time and are coming up with recommendations on this Disability Bill. This is a positive move for us. We appreciate what the church is doing.

“We also face challenges like discrimination at work, home and even in society, but we are happy with what the church is doing. They have shown that we are an important assert,” said Gumbo in a jovial mood.

The Disability Bill is meant to repeal the now defunct Disabled Persons Act of 1992, which has some provisions no longer aligning with the 2013 Constitution.

When amended and becomes an Act of Parliament, the Bill is likely to enhance inclusion and mainstreaming of disability in the national development processes.

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