Mbare Man Arrested For Murder

Zimbabwean News You Can Trust

The Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) has arrested a 49 year old man from Mbare for allegedly beating an unknown man to death, accusing him of stealing maize cobs from his field.

According to a police report, Gift Kamupira went to his maize field on April 5 this month and discovered there were two unknown men stealing his maize cobs. He reportedly alerted other pedestrians passing near his field, and together they allegedly attacked the two unknown men with sticks and logs.

During the attack, one of the alleged thieves managed to escape, leaving his colleague at the messy of nearly 20 people taking turns to mercilessly beat the now deceased. It is alleged that Kamupira also slapped the unknown man once on the cheek, before leaving the deceased in his field, with people continuously assaulting the victim without remorse.

On April 6, the next day, Kamupira reportedly went to his field to gather maize cobs, but was greeted with shock when he saw the body of the man he had assaulted the previous day, lying motionlessly on the ground.

The tragic incident was later reported at ZRP Mbare, and an eyewitness told the police what had happened, leading to Kamupira’s arrest.

ZRP Harare provincial spokesperson Luckmore Chakanza confirmed the arrest and said investigations are underway.


A Journalist, writer and photographer

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