44 Year Old Man Sentenced To 20yrs In Jail For Raping Uncle Niece (13)

A 44 year old Beitbridge man appeared at the Beitbridge Magistrates’ Court on charges of raping his 13 year old niece.

The state claimed that at some point in June 2023, the accused approached the complainant in the dining room of their house and made a romantic proposal to her.

However the minor, whose identity cannot be revealed, did not reply. It’s alleged that when she didn’t reply to the accuser’s advances, he became incensed and pulled her to a sofa where he covered her mouth with his hand and gave her a gentle pat.

He paused the assault upon seeing the complainant’s younger brother enter the room.

That same day, at about 2200 hours, as the complainant was sleeping, the accused person broke through the window into her room. Upon gaining entry he went to her bed, put his hand over her mouth, took off her clothes, and sexually assaulted her without protection.

The abuse continued until March 2024, when a relative of the complainant, who had witnessed the accused person entering her room told relatives.

The matter as reported to the Police leading to the arrest of the accused person’s.

He was sentenced to 20 years imprisonment.
