Car Jacker Jailed 12 Years

On accusations of armed robbery, Arnold Dzuda Gungunguwo (38), made an appearance before the Karoi Magistrates’ Court.

According to the National Prosecuting Authority of Zimbabwe, on Saturday the 7th October 2023, the accused person devised a scheme to make a robbery with the help of his accomplice, Shephard, who is still at large.

In accordance with their scheme, the accomplice of the accused paid USD20 to the complainant to transport him from Karoi to Chinhoyi.

The complainant picked up the accused along the way. When they got to the 175-kilometer point on the Harare-Chirundu highway, Sherphard for a layby so he could take a bathroom break.

Sherphard then went into the bush, and upon his return, the complainant was attacked and threatened with a Star Pistol by both the accused and his accomplice.

They ordered the complainant to occupy the front passenger’s seat before driving off towards Chinhoyi. The complainant jumped out of the moving vehicle as the accused person and his accomplice sped away.

The complainant sought assistance from a well wisher and he called the owner of the motor vehicle who mobilized other villagers and came in his lorry to look for the accused person and his accomplice.

They found the accused person and his accomplice at Chikuti Business Centre and when they saw that they had been identified the suspects sped off in the stolen motor vehicle.

The complainant and his posse gave chase and only caught up with them when the motor vehicle developed a mechanical fault. Sherphard managed to escape whilst the accused person was apprehended by the villagers.

The accused person was convicted and sentenced to 12 years imprisonment.
