Former Epworth Mayor Donates Sanitary Wear To Local Teen Mothers

Zimbabwean News You Can Trust

Former Epworth Mayor, Annah Sande, last week donated sanitary wear to local teen mothers and teenage girls to express her gratitude and kind gesture, while spreading awareness against early child marriages and teaching young mothers about personal hygiene and self care.

The donation, which happens annually and is now 4 years since its establishment in 2020, focused on sanitary hygiene awareness. Disposable pads, menstrual cups, washing soap, buckets were self care kits, the 26 year old donated to her community.

Addressing journalists after handing over the donation to over 150 teen mothers Friday, Annah Sande aired challenges facing Epworth residents. She also outlined challenges teenage girls and young mothers grapple with.

“I grew up in this community, and part of the challenges that an ordinary member faces are access to education and economic emancipation opportunities. Currently, we are in the El Nino induced drought, and we are struggling with water challenges. When it comes to young women, sometimes they are prone to prostitution, sex work, and obviously they will be vulnerable to HIV and STI’s,” she said.

Meanwhile, one of those who received the donations, Mitchel Mandaza, shed tears of joy, encouraging Sande to continue with her philanthropic works. She said, “I am happy with this donation, because sometimes life will be tough, so the soap and all I got today will help when I wash my child’s clothes. We wish and hope this program continues annually.”

“Since I was born, today I realized we have a mother who remembers us, so I’m happy,” said another 18 year old teen mother, Natasha Matienga, appreciating Sande’s noble donation.

Annah Sande, the former Epworth Mayor who only saved for barely two months, was recalled earlier this year by Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC), interim general secretary Sengezo Tshabangu, after the former Matebeleland North Senator claimed he was restoring order and legitimacy to the opposition party.

