ZANU PF Members Attacked With Stones In Bulawayo

Zanu Pf Secretary for Information and Publicity Ambassador Chris Mutsvangwa has made sensational claims that a ruling party campaign team was stoned today in Bulawayo while on a campaign mission for the much awaited March 26 by-elections.

Speaking during a press conference at the party headquarters in Harare this afternoon, Mutsvangwa said the ruling party has made a police report and investigations are in progress to identify and bring to book the culprits whom he labeled as opposition members.

Speaking on the same issue, ZANUPF National political commissar Mike Bimha said after the ruling party’s “successful” by- election rally in Epworth over the weekend, the party had set up campaign teams in most provinces.

He went on to say the members of his party were attacked with stones by “members of the opposition.”

“This morning we had our campaigning teams who were going around doing their business and we have been informed that they were then attacked by members of opposition,”Bima said.

Bimha said that ZANU PF officials were on their way to hospital to inspect how many people had been injured and the severity of the injuries, as they were yet to receive the accurate figures.

“They were attacked by way of people throwing stones and others using catapults, there have been several cases of injuries as a result of that.

“A few minutes ago l was in touch with one of our officials in Bulawayo and they did tell me that they were on their way to the hospital so that they could give us an accurate report on how many people have been injured and the severity of those injuries,” he said.

Spokesperson Mutsvangwa said the opposition party members are not specifically identified, however he claimed that anyone against the ZANU PF party is labeled an opposition.

“When you talk of opposition you are talking of anyone who is opposed to ZANU PF, these were ZANU PF members carrying out their campaigning business and l want to assume that whoever attacked them opposes what they are trying to achieve, but l would not know which political party they represented and Iam sure such details will come out after investigations by the police as well as our security personnel in Bulawayo.” Mutsvangwa said.

“Such issues are coming out after his Excellency the president had appealed for peaceful campaigning on Saturday and I am sure those responsible will be treated accordingly.

“I have been advised as well that this case has been reported to the police and police are doing their work in terms of making investigations and I am sure we should be getting a report within an hours time in terms of what is happening there, as well as the condition of those who have been injured,” he said.

A Journalist, writer and photographer

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