Zim Cholera Cases Rises To 2,460

by Tinotenda Munongo

Disgruntled Nurses Put Gvt On Notice

by Tinotenda Munongo

Tag: <span>HEALTH</span>

Zim Cholera Cases Rises To 2,460

by Tinotenda Munongo

Zimbabwean News You Can Trust Zimbabwe had recorded a cumulative 2,460 suspected cases of cholera, including 16 confirmed deaths and…

Disgruntled Nurses Put Gvt On Notice

by Tinotenda Munongo

Zimbabwean News You Can Trust Nurses have put government on notice to improve their salaries and conditions of service or…

Zimbabwe’s Cholera Cases Increases

by Tinotenda Munongo

Cholera Hits Harare

by Tinotenda Munongo

Zim Records 123 New Covid-19 Cases

by Tinotenda Munongo

Two Succumb To Covid -19

by Yeukai Chidemo