Police Rescue Abused Glendale Minor

The Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) says they have taken note of reports circulating on social media about a 7 years old Glendale child who was allegedly been physically abused by her aunt saying the child was rescued by social services.

In a statement, ZRP Assistant Commissioner, Paul Nyathi said the issue is now under investigation and the minor was placed under protection.

“Police confirm that the case is now under investigation and the boy has been taken to a place of safety by the Zimbabwe Republic Police and Social Welfare Department. The minor has been taken for medical examination and we are now waiting for the full medical report.

“Witness statements are being recorded from neighbours and some relatives. This will guide the police on the next course of action in this case. ” Read the statement.

In an open letter to Zimbabweans on social media, an anonymous neigbour reported on how the child was being beaten up to the extent of acquiring disability.

Below is the letter that caught the attention of the Police:

Makadii hama ne mhuri yese ye Zimbabwe, ndine nyaya ikundinetsa nekushungurudza vazhinji munzvimbo ye Glendale kuma new stands kunonzi ku Rujeko panonzi pa Va Matangira pa house number 1329 pane mwana ane makore 7 akashaikirwa na baba vake ,Mai vake vakamusiira vatete vake hanzvadzi yababa vake ,mwana anonzi Shakeman Mugwali vatete vano rova mwana everyday nekunyima chekudya .Zvaizvezvi mwana akatoremara ruoko nekurohwa ,vanokanda mwana kumadziro kana vachinge vatanga kurova havo ropa rerichiita kuzara madziro ,atokanganisika chero mafungiro munongoziva zvinoitika pa munhu kana akashungurudzwa nguva refu .Vatete vacho vanonzi Maria Mugwali .Ngatiitei moyo une tsitsi nerudo mhuri ye Zimbabwe tibatsirane kununura mwana uyu plus vanenge vazivao kungawanika Mai vake muvaudze vatore mwana ,mwana angafa nekurohwa.

Yeukai is a professional and experienced journalist, broadcaster & writer.

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