ZiG Is Going To Fail Just Like The Bond Note & Others Before Them-Busha

Zimbabwean News You Can Trust

FreeZim Congress president, Joseph Makamba Busha, has addedhis voice into the raging debate over the country’s recently launched Zimbabwe Gold (ZiG) currency, insisting the move was bound to fail, as did the previous currencies because the fundamentals are not in place.

Busha blamed the Minister of Finance and Economic Development, Professor Mthuli Ncube, for failing to introduce positive financial reforms for the past 5 years, stressing that it was sad that Zimbabwe continues to struggle economically when it has qualified professionals.

The opposition politician, who prefers to call himself the “alternatie”, says that he is the most qualified person to solve Zimbabwe’s problems and shepherd it to success.

In an exclusive interview with 263 times Tuesday, Busha said, “It’s unfortunate and sad that Mthuli Ncube, who is qualified, brings us to this position, where after every two years a new currency is introduced. But basically, it does not change anything.

“The gold coin was introduced last year, but how many people managed to get it and did it support the currency? The devaluation continued. The introduction of this new currency is an experiment being tried by people inside, who don’t have eyes to look at the permanent solution.”

Busha said the new measures were bound to fail, adding, “If you keep playing Chitekete by Leonard Dembo you’ll keep getting the same song. If you keep playing Mugove by Leonard Zhakata, you’ll keep getting the same song until you change it and play a new one.”

Speaking during a breakfast meeting held in Harare yesterday, RBZ Governor John Mushayavanhu said the ZiG would be a success that will “silence all the doubting Thomases” who are questioning its credibility.

Mushayavanhu added that the ZiG would help stabilize prices and improve the lives of ordinary Zimbabweans. He urged people to unite and ensure that both the new currency and the country’s economy climb to greater heights.

“Why can we not accept this new currency that we have? As Zimbabweans, we need to work together to make this currency stable and work. “We have suffered from hyperinflation and we sat down as RBZ and the Ministry of Finance, the parent ministry, and we came up with this structured currency which is backed by gold and other precious metals.

“Going forward, the exchange rate is going to be market determined. I did tell you that the starting rate for ZiG was 13,56, but yesterday (Tuesday) the market determined and ZiG strengthened to 13,53. That is the way we want it,” bemoaned Mushayavanhu.


