Waterfalls Man Arrest For Raping An 11 Year Old Girl

A man from Waterfalls suburb in Harare has been detained on suspicion of sexually assaulting an 11-year-old girl. who is selling cakes to him informally.

It is said that the man, whose name is being withheld to preserve the minor’s identity, asked the minor if there were any cakes available at her residence before inviting her into his shop. The minor allegedly told him there were no cakes but drinks only.

A police report dated 14th April states that the minor is said to have brought drinks to the accused, and that while the minor was inside the accused’s shop, it began to rain. It is whilst waiting for the rain to subside that the accused allegedly proposed love to the victim, but she turned him down.

Its alleged that the suspect forcefully undressed, placed the victim on the ground and raised her dress and pant before being intimate with her once without her consent.

The matter came to light on the 12th of April 12, 2024, after the minor’s phone received some pornogr4phic videos from the suspect.

After seeing the footage, the alleged victim’s mother her mother asked her about the videos, at which point the minor opened up to her mother about the abuse leading to a police report being made at Waterfalls Police Station.

Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) Harare Provincial spokesperson, Luckmore Chakanza confirmed the incident and said investigations were in progress.

“On an unknown date at around 1400 hours, the accused person invited the complainant into his shop and asked her if there were cakes in stock at their place since the complainant used to move around selling cakes. She informed him that there were no cakes at the moment instead there were some drinks.

“The accused person asked the complainant to proceed to her place and take drinks for him and the complainant complied. The complainant brought some drinks to the accused person and it started raining whilst the complainant was still inside the accused’s shop.

“The accused person then proposed love to the complainant and the complainant turned down his proposal. Thereafter the accused took complainant to the back of the counter and went to remove his trousers, laid the complainant to the ground and lifted her dress and pant.

“The accused person had sexual intercourse with the complainant once without her consent. Complainant went home and never told anyone about it. The matter came to light on 12 April 2024 when accused send some pornographic videos on complainant’s cellphone.

“Her mother saw it and questioned her about the videos. That is when she revealed the abuse to her mother. A report was made at ZRP Waterfalls. Scene by ZRP Waterfalls and accused was arrested and detained under ZRP Waterfalls. Complainant was escorted to Edith Clinic for medical examination,” reads the docket.

An avid reader and writer.

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