Church Body To Engage Gvt Over Poor Service Delivery In Chiredzi

Zimbabwean News You Can Trust

The Zimbabwe Heads of Christian Denominations (ZHOCD) will this week engage the government over alleged poor service delivery in Chiredzi town.

The engagement is set to ensure that health facilities, roads, sewer pipes, and recreational centres neglected by the local authority are fixed.

The Ministry of Youths, Transport, Health and Childcare are the Government Ministries that the ZHOCD will engage to share what they gathered through their meetings with Chiredzi residents and find solutions to improve service delivery.

On their surveys from April to May this year, ZHOCD noted that residents needed water, sanitation services, healthcare facilities, road and transportation services, education, as well as community security to be improved in Chiredzi town.

Speaking at a meeting hosted by the church, one Chiredzi resident said, “On our roads, we need efficient maintenance and good service delivery, because trucks are destroying our roads. They destroy our dura-halls because of shallow roads, so roads must be wider.

“The recreation aspect touched me, as you all know, that our kids are not the same. Some are not good at school, they need recreational centers. We have areas which are not used. I think we should use those ones and come up with positive developments.”

Chiredzi Town Council Chairman, Mr. Charles Charumbira, narrated some of the developments and efforts currently underway to ensure proper service delivery in the town, like maintenance of sewer burst pipes, construction of schools, bridges and clinics. He insisted however that more still needs to be done to address the problems.

The ZHOCD, representing various Churches, plays an advocacy role in the community and has spearheaded several programs this year to ensure that communities in remote areas, and vulnerable persons like people living with disabilities have their social, economic and political problems addressed.


A Journalist, writer and photographer

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