Chiredzi Residents Bemoan Poor Service Delivery By Zanu Pf Led Council

Zimbabwean News You Can Trust

Chiredzi town residents have expressed frustration over the failure of their local authority to provide proper service delivery on roads, sewage disposal, healthcare facilities, recreational centers and street lights.

Speaking at a meeting hosted by the Zimbabwe Heads of Christian Denominations (ZHOCD) Friday last week, irate residents of the Lowveld town shared their plight to Councillors and outlined areas that they think the local authority has neglected and needed urgent redress.

“On our roads, we need efficient maintenance and good service delivery, because trucks are destroying our roads. They destroy our dura-halls because of shallow roads, so roads must be wider.

“Another issue is misrepresentation of persons with disabilities on the allocation of stands. We are failing to acquire stands. My waiting list is of 2014, but up to now I have nothing. We have other residents who acquired those stands, but for me I don’t know what they use to allocate stands.

“The recreation aspect touched me, as you all know, that our kids are not the same. Some are not good at school, they need recreational centers. We have areas which are not used. I think we should use those ones and come up with positive developments,” said an angry resident.

Responding to these problems, the Chair of Chiredzi Town Council, Mr. Charles Charumbira, however said the local authority has several development programs underway and insisted that Council was seized the issue of proper service delivery.

“For sewer bursts, we have Hari to assist you immediately. We also want to put the night watch to solve this setback anytime. Furthermore, we are constructing bridges at council level, so that public transport ferry you to your desired destinations. Some issues you raised will soon be fixed because we have their budget reviews,” said Charamba.

Meanwhile, the church will next week engage various government ministries, like the Ministry of Youths, Ministry of Transport and Ministry of Health and Childcare, to advocate for proper service delivery in Chiredzi.

A Journalist, writer and photographer

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