Government To Disinfect Schools

Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services Minister Monica Mutsvangwa says all schools that were used as quarantine centers were disinfected ahead of the opening of schools for those sitting for examinations.

Schools will open next week on September 28 for the examination classes.

Minister Mutsvangwa told Senate yesterday during the Question and Answer session that the schools were disinfected so as to protect kids from contacting the deadly corona virus.

“All the schools were disinfected because as Government we are equally concerned with the safety of children.” She said.

Meanwhile, Minister Mutsvangwa said Government has set aside 600 million for protective equipment at Government schools.

“To that end, Government has mobilised $600 million for the procurement of personal protective equipment for pupils ahead of opening of schools. The lives of our pupils are very important and no one should be exposed to the disease hence we took those measures,” She said


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