Covid19 -Results For Crossing The Border Might Trigger Corruption

Last week, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa announced that he will open some of his country’s boarder posts to international travel and Beitbridge border post is no exception.

During his report, President Ramaphosa said those who wish to enter his country should provide a negative covid 19 test result not older than 72 hours.

In Zimbabwe, the cheapest covid 19 test cost US60 dollars in private hospitals.

Will the ordinary cross boarder traders afford such?

In an interview with certain Zimbabweans who were geared up for the opening of the boarders but now finding the situation delicate, we learnt that the corona virus test prices will complicate things more. Below are their comments:

“Trade haiperi even mulockdown people were moving in volumes. People will find a way around whatever measures the gvt puts in place coz kuden vana expect food kwete paperbag remaexcuse.”

“I think this is not normal again because people were going to SA because they were looking to earn something so that they can take care of their families back home.

“To add on, this will lead to so many illegal entries like those who go via the river, which is even unhealthy and risky. Corruption will not end anytime soon like what they claim. They say “money talks” whereby you will have to pay certain people so that you get that test. Said Prim in Harare.

“Yes corruption will never end that’s a fact. As long as there’s money involved people will always find new ways everyday. When it comes to money normally it’s who u know.

“Illegal entering yagara iripo & the sad thing is everyone is desperate, just like vaye vanoenda ku Europe muma boats  crossing these scary oceans for weeks.It’s very scary & emotional thinking people get killed by crocodile crossing Limpopo. May God bless Africa ❤️” Annie said.

Meanwhile, Chipo a cross border in Mutare said this expensive US60 dollars corona virus test price will trigger a spike in commodity prices since they will be charging their goods with higher prices.

“The thing about trading is that this “we want negative corona virus test” will lead to price hikes. Just imagine paying my US$60 only to come back and tell you that my washing powder is still for US$3?  Of course i will increase the money to meet my profits” She said.

However, Zimbabwean Government is still deliberating on whether to re-open its land borders especially Beitbridge Border Post to international travelers following an announcement by South Africa that it will re-open its ports of entry on 1 October.




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